Tuesday 24 April 2012


Level 4 AM class
A summer get-together with friends

Review the language we use for extending, accepting and declining invitations.
 Would you like to come over?

Unfortunately, the website for the invitations doesn't seem to be working on some computers. Please leave a comment below to let me know if you were able to do the exercises.

Here are some useful expressions you can use for making, accepting and refusing invitations. I copied these from the lists you made in class, and I added a few more.

Making Invitations

- We're having a few people over. We'd like you to join us.
- I was wondering if you'd like to come over.
- We're holding a small get-together. Would you like to come?
- Would you like to come over?
- I'd like to invite you to my house.
- I hope you can make it.
- I'd like to invite you over for coffee.

Accepting Invitations

- We'd love to come.
- That's really nice. I'm sure my husband would like that. We'd love to come.
- I appreciate the invitation. What can I bring?
- That sounds great! Thanks for inviting me.
- I'm looking forward to it.
- Can I bring anything?
- What time should I be there?
- Let me know if I can bring anything.

Declining Invitations

- Sorry, I'd love to come, but I'm busy.
- I'd love to come, but I can't make it.
- I'd like to, but I have a meeting that day.
- I wish I could come, but I have an appointment.
- Thanks for thinking of me, but I'm afraid I have other plans that day.


- Thanks, but I have to check my calendar. Can I get back to you?
- I'm not sure what my plans are. Can I let you know?

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