Thursday 19 April 2012

Avoiding Jet Lag

Watch the video.

1. What is the purpose of this video?
a) request
b) advice
c) invitation

2. Who is this video for?
a) travellers
b) students
c) hamsters

Watch the video again. This time, number the steps in the order you hear them:

a)  _____ Fly west instead of east.

b)  __1__  Adjust your schedule by an hour or two a few days before your trip.

c)  _____  Put on your sunglasses near the end of your flight, and for the first few hours after you arrive.

d)  _____ Wear loose, comfortable clothing.

e)  _____ Cut down on fat, salt, sugar and coffee, and eat more fruits and vegetables before your trip.

f)  _____  Set your watch to the new time zone as soon as you get on the plane. Pretend it’s already that time.

g)  _____  Avoid caffeine and alcohol while you’re flying.

h)  _____ Don’t nap. Try to exercise and get out into the sun instead.


  1. I like that.
    I think this video with exercise it's a great practice.
    You had a wonderful idea when you made this blog. I really enjoy it.

  2. I found it very informative.
    Thanks Andrea :-)
