Tuesday 24 April 2012

Field Trip to Stanley Park

Although the weather doesn't look promising, I'm still really looking forward to our field trip to Stanley Park. Julie, our naturalist guide from the Stanley Park Ecology Society is going to talk about:

-   the importance of Stanley Park to people and to the environment
-   the forest and wetland ecosystems in Stanley Park
-   historical presence of native peoples in the Park
-   examples of how native people used the resources of nature
-   the beavers at Beaver Lake
-   spring birds
-   trees - how to identify the three main conifer species
-   whatever else may come up
 What to wear
-  Wear comfortable shoes or boots that you feel comfortable walking in for an hour.
-  Be prepared to walk on uneven ground and to step into mud and puddles.
-  Do not wear sandals.
-  Wear warm clothing, as it is cooler in the forest.
-  Bring an umbrella
-  You do not need to bring pen or paper

Have fun!


  1. It was very interested for me.

  2. I've gotten a lot of information about the forest from this fieldtrip.

  3. That's great stuff! Can I come too?

  4. Andre
    You are a wonderful teacher
    Who proved that learning can be A joyous and pleasant experience.
