1. Listen to Robert talking to his doctor about his symptoms. Fill in the blanks.
Robert's Symptoms
Dr. Porter: _______________________________________?
Robert: I did something to my back yesterday.
Dr. Porter: _______________________________________?
Robert: I was shovelling snow for two hours. The snow was really heavy after that big snowstorm we had yesterday. When I woke up this morning, ________________________________.
Dr. Porter: _______________________________________?
Robert: I have a __________ in my __________________ and I can't ___________________. My wife had to put my socks on.
Dr. Porter: Oh, dear. On a ____________ of 1 to 10, and 10 is the ________________, what number would you give the pain?
Robert: Hmmmm... Maybe ____________.
Dr. Porter: __________________________________________?
Robert: ____________ is the worst. I didn't go to work today because of the pain.
Dr. Porter: ______________________________________________________?
Robert: Yeah, __________________ all night.
Robert: Nope. Only the usual ______________________________.
Dr. Porter: All right. _____________________________________.
Now go to the HealthLink BC website. Find the Symptom Checker. Check Robert's symptoms based on the reading and listening we did in class. What is HealthLink's advice?
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