Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Monday, 25 February 2013


Are you interested in doing some volunteering? These two upcoming events are looking for volunteers. Could be fun!

Car Free Vancouver Day - click here


St. Patrick's Day 5K - click here

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Pronunciation - voiceless "th"

Tongue Twisters

Try these tongue twisters at home, in front of your bathroom mirror :)

Listen to the tongue twisters here.

1. Thelma and Theo have bad breath.
2. Thieves are thankless thugs who deserve our wrath.
3. Nothing is worth thousands of deaths.

What are you thinking/sinking about?

This funny commercial shows why it's important to pronounce "th" correctly.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Saturday, 16 February 2013

At the Pharmacy

Field Trip to the pharmacy
Morning class - Monday, Feb. 18. Meet at school at 9:00 a.m. or meet us in front of London Drugs at Granville and West Georgia at 9:30 a.m.

Afternoon class - Tuesday, Feb. 19. Please meet at school at 1:00 p.m.

Reading and Vocabulary
1. At the Pharmacy
2. Consulting a Pharmacist

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Robert's Symptoms

1.  Listen to Robert talking to his doctor about his symptoms. Fill in the blanks.

Robert's Symptoms

Dr. Porter: _______________________________________?
Robert: I did something to my back yesterday.
Dr. Porter: _______________________________________?
Robert: I was shovelling snow for two hours. The snow was really heavy after that big snowstorm we had yesterday. When I woke up this morning, ________________________________.
Dr. Porter: _______________________________________?
Robert: I have a __________ in my __________________ and I can't ___________________. My wife had to put my socks on.
Dr. Porter: Oh, dear. On a ____________ of 1 to 10, and 10 is the ________________, what number would you give the pain?
Robert: Hmmmm... Maybe ____________.
Dr. Porter: __________________________________________?
Robert: ____________ is the worst. I didn't go to work today because of the pain.
Dr. Porter: ______________________________________________________?
Robert: Yeah, __________________ all night.
Robert: Nope. Only the usual ______________________________.
Dr. Porter: All right. _____________________________________.


Now go to the HealthLink BC website. Find the Symptom Checker. Check Robert's symptoms based on the reading and listening we did in class. What is HealthLink's advice?


Monday, 11 February 2013

Telephone: Making a Doctor's Appointment

Listening -Medical Advice
Listen at least once first without reading the text. 
There are exercises near the bottom of the page:
- Mixed up sentence
- Sentence and Vocabulary Matching
- Text Completion Quiz

Thursday, 7 February 2013

How to Celebrate Chinese New Year

Listen and number the steps in the order you hear them.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Organ Donation

1. Podcast -  Donating an organ

2.  Google "Organ Donation BC".
Find the video called "Eva's Story" Watch the video and answer the questions.

1. How old is Eva? _________

2. What disease does Eva have?
a)    kidney disease
b)   kidney stones
c)    cystic fibrosis

3. Which organ transplant does she need?  __________________

4. How long do doctors expect her to live?  _______________

5. Why does Eva carry a pager with her at all times?


5. How did Eva meet her two friends?  _________________________________________________

6. Go to 1:30 on the video. Listen and fill in the blanks:
There are ups and downs to knowing other people with CF. The ups _______________________
____________________________________; The down is ______________________________

7. What does CF stand for?  C_________ F_________ (Hint: see question 1)

8. What do you think “ups and downs” means? __________________________________________

9. How do you think Eva feels when she hears her pager at the end of the video?


3. Reading - Read three times, then answer the questions.
Save a Life - Be an Organ Donor

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Get Ready for Yoga

Hi Students!

Are you looking forward to trying yoga next week? 
Please remember to

  • bring a large towel OR a yoga mat
  • wear comfortable clothing

Participation is optional. If you do not want to do yoga, you can just watch the class or you can do a reading or writing activity instead.

Morning students -  Monday 11:00-12:00
Afternoon students -  Tuesday 3:00 - 4:00