Friday 5 April 2013

Travelling Experiences

The cherry blossoms are absolutely gorgeous!


1.  Write three sentences using new adjectives you learned this week. Your sentence should clearly demonstrate the meaning of the word:

  Her necklace is priceless.
 ✔ Her necklace is priceless because it used to belong to her grandmother. 
 ✔ Learning English in ELSA class is a priceless experience.

2. Listening and idioms - Travelling Experiences - Ex. 1 to 4.

3. Adjectives with -ed or -ing - Do exercise 3

Remember: -ed ending is a feeling / -ing adjective describes something
Snakes are frightening. (-ing because frightening describes snakes)
I felt frightened when I saw the snake. (-ed because frightened is how I feel)

 4. Pronunciation - l / r - l as in loyal vs. r as in royal  

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