Friday 11 May 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is one of the busiest
times of year for a florist.
A clueless guy. He has no idea
what to get his wife for Mother's Day.
Happy Mother's Day!

This Sunday is Mother’s Day. In Canada, Mother’s day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It’s a day to express love and gratitude to mothers by giving them a card, flowers or a thoughtful gift. Some other Canadian Mother’s Day traditions are taking Mom out for brunch or sharing a special family meal to let her know that she's special.

Men often have a hard time remembering Mother’s day or knowing what to give their wife or mother. For guys, it’s often a “mad dash” as they run to the flower shop to buy a last-minute Mother’s Day bouquet.

Click this link to watch a report on last-minute Mother’s Day shopping, then answer the questions below.

to not have a clue, to be clueless = not have any idea
 Men are completely clueless at buying Mother’s Day gifts. They have no idea what to buy.

to stink = to not be very good at doing something
I stink at tennis. I’m really not very good at it.

It’s the thought that counts.
It doesn’t matter how much a gift costs. What’s important is the feeling it expresses. It’s the thought that counts.


1. What is the most appropriate gift to give Mom on Mother’s Day? ______________________

2. What percentage of men completely forget about  Mothers day? _________ %
    What percentage of women forget? ______%

3. “Florists have a trained eye for the clueless guy.” What do you think this means?

4. How many men need the florist’s help in choosing flowers?
a) almost all        b) some                               c) not many

5. What questions does the florist ask the customer?
a) ___________________________________
b) ___________________________________

6. What simple advice does florist Callie Craumer’s offer?
(2:24 – 2:35)

7. What is the purpose of this report?
a) request           b) advice              c) information


When is Mother’s Day celebrated in your country? What are your Mother’s day traditions? Post your answer in the comments box below.


  1. Although Mother's Day is everyday, in Brazil is celebrated on the second Sunday in May.
    My tradition is express my love and giving gifts for her. But is not all, also we have a barbecue with my whole family.
    It's a wonderful day with my mom.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Mother's Day is a foreign festival in my country. Usually we celebrate it on second Sunday in May every year. At this day , I might a beautiful cloth, a bouquet of flowers or other gifts for my mom. My mom was gone, and I really miss her.

    Wish all of moms happy!

  3. Mother's day is not popular in Morocco, we started to clebrate it just about ten years ago. In this day we buy to our mother some thing she likes or she needs as clothes, accesory or parfum. The most common gift in mother's day is flowers or going out for lunch. As a mother my children offer me flowers and my husdand invite me for lunch.
    happy mother's day to all moms.

  4. In Tunisia Mother's day is celebrated on the last sunday in May. It is very important even in my country.
    All give flowers, perfumes, with other gifs to their mother. Than whole family have a lunch; we call that MOTHER'S DAY LUNCH. My mom gone, but she is always with me on my hear but in this day i m thinking her more and more.


  5. A Mother
    Mom's smiles can brighten any moment,
    Mom's hugs put joy in all our days,
    Mom's love will stay with us forever
    and touch our lives in precious ways...
    The values you've taught,
    the care you've given,
    and the wonderful love you've shown,
    have enriched my life
    Thanks Mother

  6. We don't have Mother's Day in Korea. We have parents' day on May 8th. Usually we have dinner with hole family and son and daughter give carnations and presents to their parents.

    1. Sorry, I meant "whole" and not "hole".
