Thursday 30 May 2013

Volunteering at the Children's Festival

Tomorrow's plan for volunteering at the Children's Festival

Meeting time:  9:00.  Please be on time, or even a few minutes early.

Meeting point: Granville Island in front of the KEG restaurant. It's located near the entrance to Granville Island, straight in front of you, just after the big Granville Island sign.

From here, we'll go together to the Volunteer House, near the Public Market.

Looking forward to an awesome day! See you there!

Wednesday 29 May 2013


Bravo to our six morning classmates who completed level 4 this month. Way to go!

Expressing Joy at Someone's Success

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Listening to the CBC news

Here are the latest headlines:

- Giant tornado in Oklahoma killed 24 people
- More Canadians are seeing unidentified flying objects than ever

Click here for the worksheet.

Volunteer Opportunity

June 21-23, 2013

Festival Volunteers

Festival Volunteers work primarily in customer service throughout the site. Volunteer duties include:
  • greeting customers and answering questions
  • checking passes
  • helping to set up and run various activities
  • assisting entertainers and other participants

A smaller number help us with administrative, coordination or technical activities:

  • working with media
  • organizing teams of volunteers
  • assisting with volunteer registration and data entry
  • maintaining
  • working at an information desk
  • providing technical set-up or strike support
  • welcoming international guests at the airport
  • working with our VIPs and Sponsors

Interested in getting involved? Here's the link for the
Volunteer information and form

Monday 27 May 2013

Volunteering - Video Interview with Liza Bautista

This is a video interview with Liza Bautista. She is a manager of employment programs at ISS.

1.Listen and answer these questions.

2. Listen and read the transcript to check your answers.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Vancouver International Children's Festival - Volunteering Info

For those students volunteering at the Children's Festival next week, there is a volunteer orientation on Sunday from 1-4 p.m., if you can make it.

Here is the email I got from the Festival:

Hi Andrea,

You'll meet with us on Granville Island at the Soundstage, our big music tent on Cartwright Street (south east of the island).

Check the map attached if you can't find us, give us a call (usual Festival phone number 604 708 5655).

Anyway, there'll be signs to help you find you.

See you then!


Tuesday 21 May 2013

Listening to the CBC News

This week's headlines:

  • Murder of an Ontario man after posting his pickup truck for sale online
  • Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield  back on earth  

  • Friday 17 May 2013

    Listening to the News

    This week's headlines:
    • A decade long nightmare ends for three women in Ohio
    • There are more foreign-born people in Canada than ever before 

    Wednesday 15 May 2013

    What ruffles your feathers?

    Click on this link to share your thoughts...

    Listening - The Lives of Three Volunteers

    1.  The Lives of Three Volunteers - Listening activity 

    2. Please revise your letters of complaint.

    3. Ventures Arcade -Select Level 4 / Unit 5 / Time Clauses - (until/as soon as)

    Tuesday 7 May 2013

    Be Vigilant of your Belongings!

    FYI - For Your Information 

    Letter from Donna in the office:

    Hello everyone,

    Unfortunately, there was another theft today.  That’s two within 3 days and the thieves are getting more brazen.  The thief went into a classroom and stole a laptop close to the door with the owner in the same classroom today.  My iPhone was taken off my desk.

    Please make sure you and your students keep your belongings close and watch them very carefully.  And it may be a good idea to remind them periodically, especially new students.  If no one is in the classroom even for a minute, be sure to lock the classroom.  This may be inconvenient but it’s better to be safe and overly cautious.  Please also let your students know that if they see anyone suspicious, they could always ask them questions politely such as who their teacher is, what level they are, who they’re looking for, etc.

    Thank you.

    Prepositional Collocations

    Collocations are words that often go together. 

    For example: 

    complain+about > Some people complain about the weather.
    apologize+for > She apologized for her mistake.

    There are many kinds of collocations. The ones in this exercise all use prepositions.

    You're probably wondering how you'll ever remember which preposition to use. Practise! Here's a review exercise from the worksheet we did in class last week.

    Review: Prepositions

    Listening to the News

    This week's story is about the tragic Bangladesh factory collapse. 

    Listen and answer the questions on your worksheet.


    Monday 6 May 2013

    Sunday 5 May 2013

    Ready to ride!

    Juri Zaech, Typography Bikes, name bikes, cursive bikes, bicycle design, green transportation, alternative transportation

    This week, several students are taking part in a learn-to-ride bicycle workshop. Here are some bicycle-related language activities to help you get into the cycling mood.

    Vocabulary- Watch a video that explains the different parts of a bicycle.
    Bicycle Parts 

    Listening - Randall talks about bicycle safety
    Cycling - Video

    Listening and Vocabulary
    Poor Road Conditions

    Past tense verbs
    A Small Accident

    Wednesday 1 May 2013

    Listening to the News

    Here are this week's newscasts.

  • Two men arrested and charged with planning attack on Via rail train.
  • Alberta's highest court to decide if province's laws have to be written in English and French.